Beat Saber is a game that developers released on Gamescom in 2017. This project is a rhythm game in virtual reality and it is the ancestor of a whole direction of musical rhythmic entertainment.

Gamer has two lightsabers, such as red and blue. After the game is launched, you will hear music, and large cubes with direction signs and colour markers will be coming up in front of you. The player’s task is to cut these cubes in time according to the pointers and avoid other pieces simultaneously.

The game has several rules that depend on complexity and mode:

  • You will be able to cut cubes only with a saber, the colour of which coincides with the marker. Therefore, you should cut blue cubes with a blue sword, and red ones with red ones.
  • The cubes have arrows. You can only cut them in the direction specified.
  • You have to try to get into the rhythm of the music. In case the gamer performs the set goal perfectly, he will receive the highest number of points. Other factors also influence the size of balls, such as the angle of attack, the length of the cutting blade, accuracy and impact.
  • When the game is complicated, you will be able to use bars and walls. You need to make every effort not to encounter them. There are aerial mines, which are prohibited from cutting, as well as various modifications and complexities such as rotating cubes.

You can simplify the game if you just change a few settings. Therefore, you can activate the disappearance of the shooters on the cubes as they approach you. In this case, Beat Sabre will become a complex and fascinating game that will harness the full power of your memory and intellect. You can use several modifiers in this game to increase the complexity of it.

Beat Sabre is the optimal method that will help you to have interesting and fun training. It is one of the most mobile games with virtual reality that will help the gamer sweat well and burn calories.

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